This poster sizes out to 17 x 33". It's definitely a piece that I'm proud of and took me the most time to produce in the series I did for Salt Lake City Comic Con 2016. I think it's a pretty accurate depiction of the fanboy craze that hit Utah when this game dropped. The piece also features Salt lake City skyline in the background along with the convention hashtag. The footer text is taken from the game itself which issues a lot of safety warnings for Pokemon hungry players. A second color scheme was sold at Comic Con that has more of a beautiful pink/yellow tinge, seen below. This was a last minute idea and I printed off a lot because I was in love with this poster. This can be seen at my tumblr: adameastburn Note* most of these SLCC16 prints are still being sold. If you'd like a copy, check out my Etsy account or email directly. The colors on this site are a bit skewed and they appear a lot more tame in print.